The French Government has a specific way in which they recognise and support companies which manufacture in France and who utilise traditional practices of excellence. The Enterprise du Patrimoine Vivant or Living Heritage Company award. Petite France loves sourcing from these amazing's a rundown of what the award recognises.
A government-awarded distinction in France The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) - Living Heritage Company - label was set up by the French government to distinguish French companies with excellent artisanal and industrial expertise. The label is granted for a five-year period and brings together exceptional French manufacturers.
For the first time, companies have access to a government-awarded distinction that recognises their entire activity, because this label is awarded to the company itself, thus rewarding its staff too.
The criteria for receiving this label give value to French production in a very qualitative manner. EPV-labelled companies are characterised by :
- their specific economic heritage,
- their use of rare know-how employing traditional or highly technical production methods,
- their reputation or seniority.
Based on these criteria, rigorous selection is a guaranteed. EPV companies are trailblazers in their industry or essential suppliers within their specialism. They are the elite of French proficiency in every field.
The procedure for awarding the EPV label is carried out by experts in adherence to strict legal guidelines. An independent National Commitee, comprising professionals who work to promote practices that guarantee excellence within their own industry, assesses and interprets the criteria for receiving the EPV label.
The file is examined by the Institut Supérieur des Métiers; government services in the region and competent consultative establishments are contacted for their opinion, an appraisal report is written; the companies are visited by professional experts; the National Committee examines the file and the final decision is made by governmental ministers: the EPV selection process is a guarantee of their excellence.